Portuguese Court of Auditors’ Specialist delivered a training course on Financial Audit topics


In order to enhance the professional skills on Financial Audit of the staff of the Commission of Audit (CA) of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and at the same time, to strengthen exchanges with the Portuguese-speaking countries, CA invited Maria da Luz Faria, Senior Audit Coordinator of the Court of Auditors of Portugal, to deliver a training course on Financial Audit in Macau from 19 to 23 May. The course includes 15 participants from CA, Legislative Assembly of Macau, Financial Services Bureau of Macau, Monetary Authority of Macao and Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau Macau SAR, and also 5 magistrates of Mozambique, which is a member of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) of the Portuguese-speaking countries, were specifically delegated to travel to Macau to participate in the training course.

International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions held in Beijing last year, this Financial Audit training course is a follow up activity for the leaders of SAI of the Portuguese-speaking countries to gather in Macau to strengthen exchanges and co-operations. The topic of the course mainly includes audit principles and standards, and also focused on analyzing the applicability of international auditing standards of INTOSAI. Besides, the participants also shared experiences on methods, procedures and audit techniques.

During their stay, the instructor, Maria da Luz Faria and the 5 magistrates of Mozambique was respectively received by the Commissioner of Audit, Ho Veng On, in which they exchanged views on strengthening the training affairs of the audit teams.