Commissioner of Audit, Ho Weng On, took part in the 21st Congress of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions


The Commissioner of Audit, Ho Veng On, participated in the 21st Congress of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI), held in Beijing, from 22 to 26 October. Over 700 delegates from 160 nations’ supreme audit institutions, 3 associate members and 22 observers took part. Ho Veng On, per invitation, integrated the Chinese delegation for the congress.

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) congregates the supreme audit institutions of countries which are members of the United Nations and was founded in 1953. INTOSAI is now the second largest organization in the world, only after the United Nations, with 191 full members and 4 associated members. INCOSAI is the highest authority of INTOSAI and is held every three years. Besides examining and deliberating on the relevant reports, this year’s congress selected the following two themes, which are highly relevant and urgent in the current international situation and within national boundaries, for its technical agenda: “National Audit and National Governance” and “The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Safeguarding Long-term Sustainability of Finance Policies”. China and Mexico chaired the respective panels.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, 22 October, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that auditors in China can play an important role in promoting sustainable development and betterment in financial management and national governance. He underlined that works carried by audit institutions have been producing significant and effective results, namely in strengthening auditing supervision on public funds, state-owned assets and economic responsibility of leading cadres, and in conducting concurrent audit on the implementation of major economic and social policies as well as presenting measures to strengthen management and risk control in the light of the audit findings. Li Keqiang also reaffirmed that national public audit must stay away from the lure of small interests and must not step back when confronted by established powers; it must strictly supervise the proper use of public funds in compliance with the law and regulations, mercilessly expose and combat corruption, defend the country’s and people’s interests, check and balance the use of powers and protect the public money.

During the congress, China National Audit Office and the General Secretariat of INTOSAI jointly presented the commemorative publication “60 Years INTOSAI – 50 Years General Secretariat” and held a ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of INTOSAI. Mr. Liu Jiayi, Auditor General of China, took over the chair of INTOSAI from the Auditor General of South Africa, becoming the first Chinese to chair INTOSAI. At the end of the congress, the Beijing Declaration, as single final document of 21st INCOSAI, as accorded in the 63rd meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board, was adopted, which emphasizes issues related to role of audit in promoting good governance, reviews the achievements and experience of INTOSAI in the past 60 years, highlights the achievements, missions, core values and vision of supreme audit institutions and explores the ways for INTOSAI to become a model international organization promoting global governance.

As invited, the Commission of Audit of Macau sent four audit officers to participate in drafting, organizing and coordinating works during the preparation period and during the running of the Congress. The Commissioner of Audit, Ho Veng On, as member of CNAO delegation, took part in all events in the Congress. Ho Veng On also took the opportunity to thank Liu Jiayi for the repeated support rendered in recent years by CNAO in the development of computer assisted audit and audit personnel training. Liu Jiayi and Ho Veng On also discussed on how to further intensify the friendly partnership between CNAO and the Commission of Audit of Macau.