Commission of Audit conducted workshops on financial audit and presented software for checking electronic accounting data


Further strengthening the communication with the public departments and following the release of the despacho (rule) of the Commissioner of Audit n.º 2/2012, which laid down the specifications the public departments’ electronic accounting data should observe, the Commission of Audit (CA) conducted in March 13 to 15 workshops and presentation sessions to introduce the basics and features of financial audit as well as a software that has been developed as a tool for the public departments to check the accuracy of their electronic accounting data and whether these data complied with the rules laid down to regulate the yearly presentation of the accounts to CA. 240 representatives from 89 public departments took part in the workshops and explanatory sessions.

The workshops aimed to make the public departments more familiarized with the meaning and goals of financial auditing, with the main laws and regulations applicable to the accounting operations and with the professional standards normally applied in financial audit, since the more knowledgeable on audit they become the better collaboration they could offer to the audit works carried out by CA.

The Electronic Accounting Data Proofer, jointly developed by CA and China National Audit Office, and the respective user manual, is already available on CA’s site for downloading and to be used by the public departments since beginning of this month. The software offers functions for proofing the accuracy and integrity as well as for encapsulating the accounting data, so to ensure the data comply with the specifications laid down in the aforementioned despacho. The introductory sessions to the software were conducted by the staff who participated in its development with the aim that the presentation could be as direct and precise as possible, in order that the software could be correctly and effectively used by the public departments. The sessions also aimed at collecting the opinions and comments of the departments using it, in order to identify possible improvements and addition of better functions.