«The Commissioner of Audit’s Report 2018»

— Government’s integrated ordinary account —

Your Excellency the Chief Executive,

The Commission of Audit has examined the financial statements of the Government’s integrated ordinary account set out on pages 7 to 26.

Responsibility of public departments, institutions and the Financial Services Bureau

In accordance with Article 4 of the “Rules on the Structure, Elements and Preparation of the Special Administrative Region of Macau’s General Account”, approved by Chief Executive Dispatch No. 121/2011, the integrated ordinary account of the Government shall be prepared on cash basis, and for which the rules on integration set out in the aforesaid number shall be applied. In conformity with the Decree Law No. 41/83/M, Article 35, No. 1, the Financial Services Bureau is responsible for preparing the financial statements. According to Articles 80 and 81 of the Administrative Regulation No. 6/2006, public departments and institutions manage their own budgets, while the control over the departments’ and institutions’ budget management is also a responsibility of the Financial Services Bureau.

Responsibility of the Commission of Audit

It is the responsibility of the Commission of Audit to conduct an audit on the financial statements referred above and to express an opinion. The Commission of Audit conducted the audit according to the established audit plan and scope. The audit includes examining, on a selective basis, evidence supporting the amounts in the financial statements, and assessing whether the determined accounting policies were in conformity with the public accounting system and whether they were effectively and consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

The aim of planning and performing the audit is to obtain all information and explanations deemed necessary in order to get sufficient audit evidence to reasonably verify whether there is any material misstatement in the financial statements. For this purpose, the Commission of Audit has already obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to provide a reasonable basis for expressing its opinion.

Audit opinion

In my opinion, the financial statements of the Government’s integrated ordinary account have been prepared in accordance with Article 4 of the “Rules on the Structure, Elements and Preparation of the Special Administrative Region of Macau’s General Account” and present, in all material aspects, the financial position of the Macau Special Administrative Region Government’s departments and institutions (excluding the special institutions) as at 31 December 2018 and the budget execution, based on receipts and payments for the year then ended, processed in accordance with the public accounting system set up by the Decree Law No. 41/83/M, Administrative Regulation No. 6/2006 and Chief Executive Dispatch No. 121/2011.

The Commissioner of Audit, Ho Veng On
September 2019

— Special institutions’ aggregated account —

Your Excellency the Chief Executive,

The Commission of Audit has examined the financial statements of the Special institutions’ aggregated account set out on pages 29 to 42.

Responsibility of institutions and the Financial Services Bureau

In accordance with Article 5 of the “Rules on the Structure, Elements and Preparation of the Special Administrative Region of Macau’s General Account”, approved by Chief Executive Dispatch No. 121/2011, the special institutions’ aggregated account shall be prepared on accrual basis, and for which the relevant rules on aggregation shall be applied. In conformity with the Decree Law No. 41/83/M, Article 35, No. 1, the Financial Services Bureau is responsible for preparing the financial statements. According to the Articles 80 and 81 of the Administrative Regulation No. 6/2006, institutions manage their own budgets, while the control over the institutions’ budget management is also a responsibility of the Financial Services Bureau.

Responsibility of the Commission of Audit

It is the responsibility of the Commission of Audit to conduct an audit on the financial statements referred above and to express an opinion. The Commission of Audit conducted the audit according to the established audit plan and scope. The audit includes examining, on a selective basis, evidence supporting the amounts in the financial statements, and assessing whether the determined accounting policies were in conformity with the accounting system applicable to the special institutions and whether they were effectively and consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

The aim of planning and performing the audit is to obtain all information and explanations deemed necessary in order to get sufficient audit evidence to reasonably verify whether there is any material misstatement in the financial statements. For this purpose, the Commission of Audit has already obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to provide a reasonable basis for expressing its opinion.

Audit opinion

In my opinion, the financial statements of the Special institutions’ aggregated account have been prepared in accordance with the Article 5 of the “Rules on the Structure, Elements and Preparation of the Special Administrative Region of Macau’s General Account” and present, in all material aspects, the financial position of the Macau Special Administrative Region Government’s special institutions as at 31 December 2018, and their operating results, based on receipts and payments for the year then ended, processed in accordance with the accounting system which is applicable for special institutions and set up by the Decree Law No. 41/83/M, Administrative Regulation No. 6/2006 and Chief Executive Dispatch No. 121/2011.

The Commissioner of Audit, Ho Veng On
September 2019